Tree growing from an open book sitting on clouds, against a sunset sky
Nature Investigators Backpack Program
Nature Investigators Backpacks from the Licking Park District are now available for check out at the Homer Public Library! Kids and their families can read and explore nature with these special backpacks. For every five books completed, kids will receive a prize!

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Scheduled meetings

The Homer Historical society meets at the Homer Library on the last Friday of the month at 2PM. Please remember to bring any "show and tell" items you would like to share. Meetings in November and December are usually skipped because of the Holidays. 

Upcoming Meetings:

Friday, March 28th

Friday, April 25th

Friday, May 23rd

Friday, June 27th

Friday, August 25

Friday, September 26th

Friday, October 24th

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The Homer Public Library website is provided for information purposes only. 

Homer Public Library collects no personal information from website visitors. Homer Public Library uses cookies to collect traffic data for analysis, and Homer Public Library uses Google Analytics to track general use, but does not track or permanently record information about individuals and their visits. 

While the information contained within the website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in the website is correct, complete, and up-to-date.